Aldous House The Aldous house, also known as the "blue kitchen house" is a gorgeous 2 storyhome built from cement blocks in rural Saskatchewan. Robert Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Catherine Aldous, came west from... Abandoned House Saskatchewan
Creepy Porch House We have photographed hundreds of houses so we try to remember the best ones by giving them names. This one had aneat porch but it was overgrown by treeswithout leaves which gave it a creepy vibe. As n... Abandoned House Saskatchewan
Hoarders Castle Houses that feature turrets are not very common on the prairies let alone rural ones. Imagine our surprise when we came across this house on the backroads. Driving down the backroads of Saskatchewan w... Abandoned House Saskatchewan
Backwards Brick Time Capsule From a distance, this house looked like any other brick abandoned house on the prairies. As you get closer you will notice the bricks are "frog facing" which means they are facing outwards. This is no... Abandoned House Saskatchewan
Racoon Residence This house was truly off the beaten path. The road was mostly overgrown and a rough drive to the house.This beautiful little farmhouse was mostly untouched with all the details in place. Although it a... Abandoned House Saskatchewan